Saturday, January 31, 2009

Potty Party and Ice Storm

So I have an incredibly stubborn child. Even though she is 3.5 she has absolutely refused to have anything to do with potty training. I have been so frustrated about it. Especially when children a year younger than her were getting potty trained. That has changed!

The premise of the book is to have a potty party for your child. The whole morning of the potty is spent potty training a potty doll. You act like a overly caffienated cheerleader. After lunch your child is suppose to magically want to pee in the potty. I was most skeptical but at this point it couldn't hurt to try.

So I spent a month working myself up for the big day. This past Monday was potty party day. She was very excited to see her new potty doll and absolutely loved teaching Peepee Doll to potty. We named her Sarah, but halfway through the morning she just became Peepee Doll. We read potty books and watched a potty movie. We got hyped up on sugary snacks because each time Peepee Doll went potty we got to eat a treat. Everything was going well.

Then I noticed it was sleeting. Well, I knew it was sleeting, but it started sleeting much harder. I was afraid I was going to slide all around when I went to pick up my son from school at 3:30 so I decided to check him out early. That ruined our party momentum. Plus, now I had an extra kid that wanted my attention. I was afraid we were doomed.

But after lunch we picked it up again. I bribed her into panties and loaded her up with Dr. Pepper. I know bad, but it's her favorite drink and I knew she'd drink lots of it. I even got her to sit on the potty which in itself is a huge accomplishment. But after nearly 4 hours we weren't getting anywhere. I was starting to get discouraged, but suddenly I had an idea. I put her potty chair onto the computer chair and let her play computer games while sitting there. And you know what after a while she finally peed! I was suddenly flooded with emotions and started crying. It was like I thought this day would never ever come. And what do you know we got her to pee again later before bed!

It's now Saturday night and she's done fairly well. She still has no desire to potty train but after some protesting she will sit on the potty and she will pee. She's had more successes than accidents so I am happy. Oh and she still only pees when the potty is on the computer chair, but I am sure it won't be like that forever.

So thank goodness for that book!

On the other front the sleet kept coming and school ended up being canceled for 3 days. Here's a couple of pictures of the kids playing in it.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Way to go Natalie. I hope she continues to go for you.